dissabte, 16 de maig del 2015

Els alumnes representen una obra de teatre en anglès a l'IPM

Aquest curs hem tornat a representar una obra de teatre, EN ANGLÈS!, a  l'IPM des de la matèria optativa "Classical Culture in  English", Cultura Clàssica en anglès . L'obra de teatre es diu 'Orpheus' i la veureu introduïda per un poema recitat en anglès . A sota us n'expliquem més detalls.

We are  students from third of ESO from the high school Institut Premiá de Mar.
 We  are proud to show you our play 'Orpheus', an adaptation of Orpheus, a Greek  myth  found in  poems written by different ancient Greek poets.
We performed the play for Sant Jordi, and we worked on it for a whole term.
You'll see that first we introduce the play with a poem called 'Eurydice', by the modernist American  poet HD, Hilda Doolittle.The poem also deals with the myth of Orpheus and Eurydice.
We had great  fun rehearsing the play and  we also learned a lot about mythology and Greek culture by preparing all the details for the performance. Of course, we learned a lot of English, mainly vocabulary and pronunciation,
It's been a great experience for all of us. Rehearsing a play and performing is a great group activity, which we recommend to you. As a teacher,  I'm satisfied because we learned so many values and improved a great variety of  skills diffferent  from the traditional language skills practised in conventional lessons. By  the teacher of the subject, Aida Lopez.

1 comentari:

  1. http://blocs.xtec.cat/aracnefilaifila/2015/05/12/classical-culture-in-english-at-ipm/comment-page-1/#comment-28764
